Thanks to your financial support, FCC-Austin creates and sustains an empowering and enriching community for families touched by adoption from China. We use dues to fund holiday celebrations, educational opportunities, social activities, and to obtain resources that help develop us personally and keep us connected to each other throughout the year.

Donations of  $30 (Family Membership) or $10 (Junior Membership) establish FCC membership for the current calendar year. 

For Family Memberships, please include your child/ren’s names and ages within the PayPal form.
For Junior Memberships, please include your name and age within the PayPal form.

FCC-Austin is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions and dues are tax exempt.

For Family Memberships, please fill out this form. For Junior Memberships, please fill out this form.

Mail forms with a check (payable to Families with Children from China) to:
FCC Austin, c/o Tom Hurt, 409 West 14th Street, Austin, Texas 78701

OR you may submit donations or membership fees via Paypal.

Please contact Traci Torres-Mundt with any questions regarding membership.

Your information will never be sold... ever. It will be used strictly by us to provide you with information regarding FCC-Austin and information related to our adoption community.