• Ulta Makeup/Skincare + Hairstyles Workshop
    This event is geared for girls of any age: younger girls, interested in learning a little bit about makeup and skin care, as well as tweens and teens interested in skin care and how to apply makeup (especially for Asian eyes). There will also be a braiding & hair techniques component including simple up dos for those who may attend a homecoming, prom, wedding, or special event in their near future. This workshop will be generously hosted by the Austin Ulta Beauty Store & Salon located at 10900 Lakeline Mall Drive, Austin, 78717 on Sunday, September 8th from 9–11 am prior to the store’s normal business hours that day. For those interested, kindly contact Dianne Harwood by September 1st and provide your daughter(s) age(s) so that we may adequately/appropriately accommodate the different age groups. The girls should arrive with dry, clean hair and wearing no makeup. We are so looking forward to providing you with this opportunity and hope you will join us for this very exciting event!
  • Moon Festival, Sunday, September 22, 2019; 4–6:30 pm at Central Market (near Lamar & 38th Street). Buy your dinner and catch up with FCC friends and maybe make some new friends. We’ll have crafts, games for the little ones, moon cakes, and our traditional tea light raft launch. Hope to see you there!
  • 6th Annual FCC Family Retreat will be on the weekend of May 3–5! If your plans change, no worries: refunds can be made if we know about any cancellations at least a week before the retreat. We look forward to seeing you there! Here is some detailed information, and you’ll need to fill out these forms. Please call Tom Hurt at 512-694-7833 with any questions.
  • FCC-Austin’s Chinese New Year Celebration, Sunday, February 10, 2019, from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please join us as our community celebrates the Year of the Pig, at New Fortune Chinese Seafood Restaurant, 10901 N. Lamar Blvd #501, Austin. This year’s event will include a wonderful buffet dinner, friends, henna tattoos, crafts, an operatic performance, FCC annual board elections, a silent auction, and other fun for the afternoon! Dinner will be on early side of the event, starting at 5 or 5:30 pm. Online registration begins now. You may click on the appropriate registration link above to pre-register and pay for your CNY 2019 tickets. This is also an excellent time to renew your membership and get a price break for this and all of our 2019 events. Family membership costs $26 for the year prior to the event with online registration, and $30 at the door. Ticket prices will cost more at the door, and only checks or cash will be accepted then. You may also make a much-appreciated donation to FCC Austin. We will be offering some great FCC 2019 Year of the Pig t-shirts with details to follow on how to order those soon. We look forward to seeing you at the FCC Austin 2019 CNY Celebration!