• Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, Sunday, September 18th (Central Market, North Lamar location), from 4:00 to 6:30 pm. It is a great chance for us to celebrate this holiday of the Full Moon, and its symbolism of unity for the Chinese people. We hope to see you there! We’ll have activities for the kids and teens (and parents!): our lantern-raft-release, crafts, balloon making, ruckus by large ornate lions, bringing fortune and chasing away difficult spirits, and more.
    • Swim Get-Together, at Deep Eddy pool on Sunday, August 7th, 4 pm-ish to 6 pm-ish. Hope you can make it! Entrance fee: $5 for adults, $3 for juniors, $2 for children. We will meet on the grassy area by the shallow end. Hope to see you there!
    • Chinese Tea Demonstration and Lunch, Saturday, July 23rd from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Jan And Russ Bach’s Home (12209 Edwards Hollow Run Austin, TX 78739). RSVP by July 12th to the above link.
    • FCC Spring Retreat, May 13–15 at the 7A Ranch Resort on the Blanco River! We still have a few rooms available, and now would be a good time to get your room booked.
      We are renting the 7ARanch Big Star Lodge. Most of us will arrive Friday late afternoon or evening, and leave Sunday mid-day (checkout is at 10:30).
      — Rooms: $325 (includes tax and Eventbrite fee) for 2 nights, 2 queen beds in each room.
      — Food: we will cook simple meals like tacos, pasta, sandwiches, breakfasts, etc. A Friday evening meal will not be provided, so please make sure you take care of your dinner for your family on Friday.
      — Activities: River and pool swimming, kayaking, sports, a recreated “Pioneer Town” with ice cream parlor, arcade room, etc.
      If you wish to come just for Saturday day only, the fee is $17 (through Eventbrite) or $15 at 7A Ranch, available in-person only on the day of visit.
    • Covid-Belated Chinese New Year, Year of the Tiger Celebration, Sunday March 27, 4–7 pm! The celebration will take place at the Northwest Hills United Methodist Church, 7050 Village Center Dr, Austin, 78731.
      There should be plenty of room for all to visit and social distance (if necessary) inside the event room and outdoors, just outside the main event space. We will have a buffet-style meal catered from Jade Chinese and Fusion Restaurant (managed by Tat Liu who previously managed New Fortune Restaurant), and activities including an April Rain Chinese Dance performance, origami-making, pin-the-tail-on-the-Tiger, a photobooth, cake eating, election of officers, silent auction, and more.
      We hope ALL of you can come!